Monday, December 22, 2008

Wonderful Hanukkah Program

Last Thursday evening the Akiva students, under the direction of our Akiva Judaic staff, performed for an audience of over 200 parents, family and friends. What an enjoyable evening of songs, dances and skits!

Congratulations students on a great performance!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Hanukkah Program this Thursday Evening

The students at Akiva have been preparing for this weeks Hanukkah Program.

All parents, friends and relatives are invited to attend our proram this Thursday.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ohio State vs. Michigan Week

Thoughout this week the Akiva students have had some fun preparing for the Ohio State vs. Michigan game that takes place this Saturday. Trivia contests, a poster contest and a day to show off your team's colors were all a part of this week's activities.

The winners of our poster contest are below. One winner was selected from each classroom.

We will display the posters in our hall until after the game.

These students above won today's trivia contests. Prizes included backpacks, autographed pictures, posters and framed pictures.

Congratulations to our winners!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ohio State vs. Michigan Week

Students have the opportunity to participate in several activites related to this week's Ohio State vs. Michigan football game. The game will be at noon this Saturday.

Winners of today's trivia contest included the following:

Simulated Market (Shook)

Fourth, fifth and sixth grade students used their Hebrew language skills in a simulated market setting (shook). The activity was organized by Mr. Shay and Mrs. Einat.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day Parent Breakfast

We had a great turnout of parents at our Election Day Breakfast. All of the staff and students went up to the JCC All Purpose Room at 8:30 to join with their parents for the breakfast.
A special thank you to Mrs. Scharf and her committee for the decorations and the breakfast food items.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sunshine on the Playground

We had a beautiful day out at our playground area yesterday and today.

Thought you might enjoy a few pictures of our students as they enjoyed their playground time.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"Meet the Teacher" Night

We had a successful "Meet the Teacher" Night last evening.

Kindergarten parents listen to Mrs. McNally.

The evening was well-attended. Parents learned about the grade level curriculum, the classroom expectations as well as some of the planned activities for this upcoming school year.

Here Mrs. Goist and Mrs. Kohan speak to parents of first graders...

...and this sixth grade group is having way too much fun!

Thanks to all of those parents who attended.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Book Fair

Parents are reminded that our Fall Book Fair begins today. Students will be attending the Book Fair according to the schedule distributed by Mrs. Oddis.

A special thanks goes out to Mrs. Oddis for all that she does to organize and set up the Book Fair for us. THANKS, Mrs. Oddis!

Students from our grade one class try to decide which books to purchase!


Last week our students (with help from their parents) had the opportunity to answer some trivia questions about the Ohio State and the Youngstown State football teams who were to play this weekend.

Here are some photos of the winners.

We had some fun, and there were several prizes given out.

Opening Week

We had a smooth opening to our school year. Sixty-nine students completed their first week at Akiva.

We returned to a building that has had the cove molding replaced throughout the building and the lunchroom and nearly all of the classrooms have been painted. A special thanks to our custodial staff for all of their work over the summer months.

The Aviva teachers and staff are excited about another great year.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Science Class ...Crayfish

Mrs. Katz, our science teacher,has been working with our students with culminating dissection projects. Students have dissected fetal pigs, frogs,crayfish and owl pellets.

Here fourth grade students are dissecting the crayfish.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

"Move Up" Day

Today we held our annual "Move Up" Day. This day is an opportunity for each of our students to spend a small amount of time with their next year's teacher. Teachers spend some time having students introduce themselves, provide the students a time to ask questions and in many cases, the students are given a classroom project to complete.

The following pictures demonstrate some activities that took place this morning at our "Move Up" Day.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Congratulations, Arona

We would like to offer our congratulations to Arona, a sixth grader at Akiva for her recent recognition in a National Poetry Publication.

Following is the local newspaper article regarding Arona's accomplishments.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Science Fair

We had a very successful Science Fair here at Akiva last Thursday. The enthusiasm and the creativity of our students were very impressive.

We had six "outside" judges evaluate the student projects. We greatly appreciated them spending the morning with us as they talked with the students about their projects and ultimately rated the science projects.

We also greatly appreciate all of the parents, grandparents and friends who stopped by that evening to view the projects and the ribbons that were awarded.

A special congratulations goes out to our "Best of Show" Winners.

A SPECIAL THANKS goes out to Mrs. Katz for all of her work in organizing and coordinating the Science Fair.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Technology Update

We continue to upgrade our technology hardware and software at Akiva. Here a few kindergarten students are working together on the computer in the morning prior to the beginning of class.

The present ratio of students to computers is 4:1. Our sixth grade classroom has a laptop for each student with a wireless printer.

Our building has also been set up and is now a totally wireless environment.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Google Earth and Akiva

Recently while on Google Earth, I found the following images of Akiva Academy. Wanted to share them with you.